Book Proposal Form

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Book Style Sheet

1. Typescript to be presented double-spaced.

2. Number the pages of the entire typescript in one sequence.

3. Full points should be omitted from:
Mr, Mrs, Dr, St, BC, AD and abbreviations such as JACT (not J.A.C.T.), TLS, JHS and other such journal names. The general rule for abbreviations is that they should be followed by a full point only if the last letter of the abbreviation is NOT the same as the last letter of the word which they contract - e.g. ed. (for editor), but eds (for editors). Full points should be included in standard abbreviations such as ibid.: see note 11.

4. Dates should be set out as follows:
1 February 1989
February 69 BC
February AD 69
Years AD should be set out 198990, 198889, 17981810 etc.
Years BC should be set out in full: 185122 BC, 9592 BC etc.
Note that ranges of dates in chapter titles, book titles, section headings, captions etc. use the full form (e.g. 19391945).
Spell out in full ‘the sixteenth century’.
Spell out in full ‘sixteenth-century literature’.
Spell out in full a date which is the opening word(s) of a paragraph.
When referring to decades, do not use an apostrophe (e.g. the 1820s, NOT the 1820’s).
The abbreviation for circa should be given as c.1820 (note italics, full-stop and no space before the date).
Always express a range of dates as either ‘19131915’ or ‘from 1913 to 1915’ (NOT ‘from 19131915’); if employing the form ‘from 1913 to 1915’ the full form of the date should always be used.

5. Numbers
All approximate numbers and all numbers beginning a sentence should be expressed in words. Numbers up to one hundred should normally be expressed in words. The exceptions to this are shown below.
Numbers greater than one hundred should normally be expressed in figures (with the exceptions of approximate numbers and numbers which start the sentence). Figures, regardless of the size of the number, should also be used for mathematical, scientific and statistical contexts, for tables, for units of measurement and age, and for volume and chapter numbers.
Insert commas for numbers with four or more figures (e.g. 4,938). EXCEPTIONS: dates, catalogue and library references, line numbers, page numbers. Use Roman numerals for kings etc. (e.g. Queen Elizabeth II).
Decimal numbers thus: 5.36, 0.36 (NOT .36).
In a range of figures within the same hundred the last two figures should be used, e.g.:
12327 (BUT 113201)
112327 (BUT 11131215)
193945 (BUT see exception under dates, above).
Always express a range of numbers as either ‘113215’ or ‘from 113 to 215’ (NOT ‘from 113215’); if employing the form ‘from 113 to 215’ the full forms of numbers should always be used.
Note: for ranges of figures use a hyphen with a space on either side if no facility for short dash (en rule) exists. When typeset this will be represented by a short dash (en rule) without spacing between each pair of numbers. (Omit spaces either side of hyphen if creating camera-ready copy and no facility for a short dash or en rule exists, but note that MS Word has this facility in Insert/Symbols.)

6. Dashes (em rules) should be used sparingly. If no facility for dashes (em rules) exists, they should be represented in the typescript by a double hyphen preceded and followed by a space (e.g. Some people -- an ever increasing number -- deplore this.) When typeset they will appear as a long dash (em rule) closed up on both sides. Note that MS Word has a dash (em rule) in Insert/Symbols.

7. Spacing and page references
In text, one space should follow each full point, comma, colon or semi-colon except as listed in point 9 below (e.g., i.e. etc.) and as follows: In names with initials, e.g. A.E. Housman, T.B.L. Webster, all spaces should be closed up except between the last initial and the surname. Obliques (indicating, e.g., line breaks: Remember me when I am gone away/Gone far away into the silent land) should be closed up on both sides. Omission marks should comprise three points only, with space between each stop (Remember me when I am gone away . . . into the silent land). p. 31, pp. 31f., pp. 3537, cf. p. 31 i.e. there should be a character space between the page and number, and cf. and page, but not between number and f. or ff. Similarly ch. 5, chs 67, I. 9, II. 1415 etc. should be spaced.
NB. Do not follow the style used in these notes for spacing after full points at the ends of sentences. In books a single space is used between sentences.

8. Indents
Do not indent the first paragraph after a heading. Do not indent the sentence following line spaces (e.g. after a piece of quoted material which is set into the text with spaces above and below it) unless it begins a wholly new paragraph.

9. Quotations
Use single inverted commas for quotations. Use double quotation marks only for quotations within quotations. If the quotation ends a sentence of your own text, place the full point outside the inverted comma. BUT, if the whole sentence is a quotation, place the full point inside the inverted comma. e.g. We are told that the oracle forbade the god’s servants to remove his treasure, as ‘the god was able to protect his own’. BUT ‘Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity.’ For other punctuation marks, the sense dictates whether they should be placed inside or outside the quotation marks. e.g. ‘Why does he use the word “poison”?’ But I boldly cried out, ‘Woe unto this city!’ Alas, how few of them can say, ‘I have striven to the very utmost’!
The same rules apply for parentheses. Extended quotations or extracts (4 lines or more of prose, 2 lines or more of verse) should be indented left and right and one line space allowed above and below. Shorter extracts may also be indented if they need to be displayed for a special purpose.

10. Possessives of names ending in ‘s’
Use ’s for the possessive case in English names and surnames wherever possible:
Charles’s, James’s etc.
Exceptions, where the additional ‘s’ can be omitted, are as follows:
Jesus’, Moses’ (and other names where the final syllable is pronounced ‘-iz’), ancient classical names e.g. Venus’, Herodotus’, Ceres’. Note that poets may vary the above possessive styles. French names which end in ‘s’ or ‘x’ should always use ’s for the possessive case in English: Camus’s, Malraux’s.

11. Italics, Bold, Underlining etc.
Italicise the following:
book titles, film and play titles, long poems such as Paradise Lost, names of periodicals (though ‘the’ should be in roman, the Telegraph etc. with the exception of The Independent and The Times), stage directions in plays, foreign words. Use roman for a title within an italicised title, e.g. A Preface to Paradise Lost. Use roman in quotation marks for: titles of chapters in books, articles in periodicals, shorter poems, short extracts from a text. Use roman without quotation marks for all the commonest short abbreviations: ad loc., app. crit., cf., ed., cit., e.g., et al., et seq., ib., ibid., id., i.e., loc. cit., op. cit., q.v., sc., s.v., viz. Underline texts to show italics.

12. Alternative spellings of -ize, -ise words
Use -ize in preference to -ise as a verbal ending in cases where both spellings are in use. Exceptions are:
i. Verbs formed from nouns having -is- as part of the stem (e.g. televise, excise, compromise)
ii. Verbs identical to nouns in -ise (e.g. exercise, surprise)
Lists of the more common exceptions to the above -ize rules will be found on pp. 43-44 of New Hart’s Rules: The Handbook of Style for Writers and Editors (OUP, 2005).

13. Layout of bibliographies and source references
Bibliographies should state first the author in roman, then the book title in italic or underlined, then the publishing details in parentheses. If there have been several editions, state the first and/or most accessible edition. e.g. McLeish, K., Roman Comedy (Macmillan, 1976; repr. Bristol Classical Press, 1986) OR . . . (Basingstoke, 1976; repr. Bristol, 1986) OR . . . (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1976; repr. Bristol: Bristol Classical Press, 1986) BUT . . . please be consistent!
Articles should be cited as follows:
e.g. Somsen, F., ‘The Erinys in Aischylos’ Septem’ TAPA 68 (1937) pp. 197-211. i.e. the title of the article is shown in roman in quotation marks, with any book titles which it quotes in italic. If the article is in a book, it should be cited as follows:
Davidson, J.F., ‘Chorus, Theatre, Text and Sophocles’ in J.H. Betts, J.T. Hooker and J.R. Green (eds) Studies in Honour of T.B.L. Webster (Bristol Classical Press, 1986).
Bibliographies should have the entry name arranged in the sequence: surname followed by initials or first name. Footnotes and endnotes should always be arranged in the sequence: initials or first name followed by surname. The system of references described in the MHRA Style Guide 2nd edition (Modern Humanities Research Association, 2008) should be followed. Although ‘ibid.’ may be used, please avoid the use of ‘op. cit.’ and ‘loc. cit.’ The Author-Date (or Harvard) system is acceptable as an alternative but a combination of the two systems should not be used.

14. Tables, footnotes, captions etc.
Please discuss with the Press at an early stage the intended final positions in the book for notes and references. Show superscript numbers for notes thus [3] if it is not possible to type as actual superscripts.
A very useful source of reference to resolve tricky problems of spelling and style (particularly good for hyphen/no hyphen, italic/roman, usual abbreviations, unusual plural forms, accents, etc.) is New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (2005).

For Further details:

Director (R& D)
Leena and Luna International Pvt Ltd
Chikusei-Shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan.

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